Over 35 years of passion and experience

22 841 49 34

Independent ski camps

  • deski ferie logo

Ski camps for children and teenagers.

We invite you to explore our winter sports camp offer designed for young enthusiasts of winter sports.

Without parents but under the supervision of the best instructors and in the company of peers, in top alpine winter resorts. A skiing trip with DeSki is also an opportunity to join the course to become an assistant instructor certified by SITN-PZN, enabling you to start a career in teaching alpine skiing.

Check out how our skiing and snowboarding camps looked in previous years!

Jump into the mountains with Deski!

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No vacancies

Ski and Snowboard Camp Andalo #1

Fai della Paganella - Andalo is a resort nestled in the pristine landscape of the Brenta Dolomites. Welcome!
5590 zł
Assistant Instructor Course SITN PZN Part 1

Ski and Snowboard Camp Nassfeld #1

As every year, we invite you to spend the holidays at your favorite Nassfeld!
5490 zł

Ski and Snowboard Camp Andalo #2

Fai della Paganella - Andalo is a resort nestled in the pristine landscape of the Brenta Dolomites. Welcome!
5690 zł
Assistant Instructor Course SITN PZN Part 2

Ski and Snowboard Camp Nassfeld #2

As every year, we invite you to spend the holidays at your favorite Nassfeld!
5490 zł

We recommend snowboarding and skiing shopping at Fun Wind store, where participants of our camps will receive a 10% discount!