Over 35 years of passion and experience

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UrwiSki – ski camps

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UrwiSki – Ski Kindergarten in Deski

WTS DeSki is a Warsaw sports club that pioneered the concept of a ski kindergarten. From the very beginning of DeSki’s existence over 25 years ago, the founding instructors recognized the need for ski camps that would enable joint training for parents and children. Family trips to the Polish mountains have been consistently popular for years, introducing new generations of young skiers to the world of skiing.

Building on the club’s tradition and embracing the challenges of modernity, DeSki established UrwiSki – a skiing section for children starting from the age of 4.

What is UrwiSki’s mission? We aim to share our passion for skiing with the youngest ones and inspire them with the beauty of winter and mountain nature. We want children to catch the skiing bug, to be proud of their independence and progress on the slopes. We guarantee great fun in the company of family and peers.


It is a formula for a skiing trip dedicated to little ones aged 4 to approximately 7/8 years old. This often means that these children have never skied before or are beginners.

*Please don’t worry if your child already knows how to ski – they will have a group of their own. Every year, children around 5/6 years old who already ski quite well come, and we always have a separate group for them, the “super achievers.” We set up slaloms, obstacle courses, and have “real-deal training” for them. We have an instructor for all skill levels, offering an individual approach. Beginner groups usually ski well enough to join the best in slalom after 2-3 days. Progress is guaranteed!

Children come with their parents or grandparents, stay in the same room with them, and apart from skiing lessons and some afternoon entertainment, they are under their care. This is an ideal transition between traveling with parents and going on a solo sports trip.

Children and parents participate in skiing training (parents can join, but it’s not mandatory), which lasts about 4.5 hours a day until lunch. Parents and children are in separate groups with their own instructors, grouped by skill level. After lunch, parents and children are together, except for the afternoon activities, which are dedicated to children and parents separately and last about 1.5 hours. Some afternoon activities are shared, such as going to Termy Bukovina, sleigh rides, bonfires, and visits to the mountain theater.

At the end of the trip, we organize ski competitions with prizes!

During URWISKI camps, we provide:

  • Professional skiing training for children and adults,
  • Small training groups tailored to the participants’ skill levels,
  • Elements of sports competition,
  • Skiing on the best slopes in Podhale: Rusiń-SKI, JurgówSKI, Kotelnica Białczańska, Czarna Góra, Koziniec, and others. For advanced skiers, we offer lessons on Kasprowy Wierch,
  • Attractive and diverse family afternoon activities such as sleigh rides, bonfires, trips to Term Bukovina, and many other attractions,
    Education for the youngest in the areas of mountain knowledge, skiing, culture, and the nature of Podhale,
  • A intimate and family atmosphere,
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