Over 35 years of passion and experience

22 841 49 34

Snowboards camps

  • obóz snowboardowy

Snowboarding Camps for Children and Youth

Snowboarding camps are aimed at individuals of all levels, whether beginners or advanced.

Our goal is for our students, whether they aim to pursue competitive sports or not, to exhibit impeccable riding technique and maintain a high level of etiquette on the slopes. Riding with proper technical skill also means riding safely and with ease, avoiding unnecessary rotations, stiff movements, and “tricks.”

Equally important are our lessons in “common sense,” where we often explain to students who are already riding how crucial it is to warm up correctly and master the art of falling safely. Not everyone realizes that nearly half of all injuries occur due to inadequate warm-up and in the first few minutes of riding. Changing the mindset of young people is sufficient; we don’t have to force or persuade them to do warm-up exercises. We also place a significant emphasis on matching speed to skills, addressing mistakes made by those who think they know it all, recklessly and uncontrollably speeding downhill. So, primarily, the methodology, especially in freestyle; we don’t attempt a “360°” off a 2-meter jump without proper preparation. Unfortunately, many training programs neglect the basics, without which young people let loose on the slopes often endanger themselves or others, frequently on the first day of camp. It’s not about watching over them; it’s about having a conversation, showing them, and explaining.

It’s vital for us to integrate a community of young enthusiasts sharing a passion for the same board, with joint trips, experience sharing, and active recreation and fun.

We cordially invite you to explore our offerings and express your interest in participating in our trips!

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You're welcome from the age of 4!

Urwiski Kurant Camp

As every year, we invite you to a family camp filled with skiing and snowboarding adventures in the picturesque town of Zakopane!
950 zł
You're welcome from the age of 4!

Urwiski Kurant Camp #2

As every year, we invite you to a family camp full of skiing and snowboarding adventures in picturesque Zakopane!
1 550 zł
No vacancies

Ski and Snowboard Camp Andalo #1

Fai della Paganella - Andalo is a resort nestled in the pristine landscape of the Brenta Dolomites. Welcome!
5590 zł
Assistant Instructor Course SITN PZN Part 1

Ski and Snowboard Camp Nassfeld #1

As every year, we invite you to spend the holidays at your favorite Nassfeld!
5490 zł

Ski and Snowboard Camp Andalo #2

Fai della Paganella - Andalo is a resort nestled in the pristine landscape of the Brenta Dolomites. Welcome!
5690 zł
Assistant Instructor Course SITN PZN Part 2

Ski and Snowboard Camp Nassfeld #2

As every year, we invite you to spend the holidays at your favorite Nassfeld!
5490 zł
You're welcome from the age of 4!

Urwiski Kurant Camp #3

As every year, we invite you to a family camp full of skiing and snowboarding adventures in picturesque Zakopane!
1 550 zł
już od 4 roku życia!

obóz Urwiski Kurant #4

Jak co roku, zapraszamy na rodzinny obóz pełen narciarskich przygód w malowniczym Zakopanem!
1 700 zł
już od 4 roku życia!

obóz Urwiski Kurant #5

Jak co roku, zapraszamy na rodzinny obóz pełen narciarskich przygód w malowniczym Zakopanem!
1 700 zł

We recommend snowboarding and skiing purchases at Fun Wind store, where participants of our camps will receive a 10% discount!