Over 35 years of passion and experience

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Ski Kindergartens – Urwiski

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Ski Kindergartens – Urwiski in DESKI

WTS DeSki is a Warsaw-based sports club that was the first to create the concept of a ski kindergarten. Over 25 years ago, at the very beginning of DeSki’s existence, the founding instructors recognized the need for ski camps that allowed parents and children to train together. Family trips to the Polish mountains have been a perennial favorite, introducing new generations of young skiers to the world of skiing every year.

Building on the club’s tradition and embracing modern challenges, DeSki established UrwiSki—a ski section for children aged 4 and up.

What is UrwiSki’s mission? We aim to share our passion for skiing with the youngest participants and inspire them with the beauty of winter and mountain nature. Our goal is for children to catch the skiing bug, take pride in their independence, and celebrate their progress on the slopes. We guarantee great fun in the company of family and peers.

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