Over 35 years of passion and experience

22 841 49 34

Sparingi DeSki

sparingi deski

We invite you to weekly training sessions at our club!

Every Sunday between 8:00 and 10:00, as well as 12:00 and 14:00, we invite players with a skill level of 1.0-3.0 NTRP, and between 10:00 and 12:00, players with a level of 3.5-5.0 NTRP, to join us for tennis matches. Our training sessions are dedicated to groups of up to 8 participants, ensuring both competition and a friendly atmosphere. During the sessions, players have the opportunity to prepare for tournament matches and leagues.

Two coaches oversee the game, recording points and providing guidance during each meeting. We also provide tennis balls. After the matches, we invite everyone to our restaurant where hot drinks (coffee or tea) await the players.


250 pln


Player just starting tennis.

Player has limited experience with ball striking and is still working on maintaining the ball in play regardless of its pace.

Able to keep slow-paced balls in play but lacks experience. Has noticeable technical deficiencies and a basic understanding of both singles and doubles play.

Learning to judge the ball trajectory but has a weak court coverage ability (lack of sufficient knowledge of court geometry). Endures short exchanges at a slow pace with players of similar skill levels.

Handles shots played at a moderate pace but doesn’t feel comfortable with all strokes. Struggles with achieving proper control, depth, and power in shots.

Can choose shots depending on the situation but still struggles with depth and shot selection. Beginning to show some aggression at the net, improved court coverage, and learning teamwork in doubles.

Able to select shots for control and depth, both on the forehand and backhand, in various situations. Capable of successfully executing lobs, smashes, and preparatory net-approach shots, as well as volleys. Occasionally forces errors with the serve and demonstrates teamwork skills in doubles. May lose exchanges due to impatience.

Beginning to acquire the ability to use power and rotation, coping well with pace. Demonstrates good footwork, controls the depth of shots, and starts adapting tactics to specific opponents. Can hit the first serve with power and accuracy and place the second serve. Tends to overhit challenging shots. Plays aggressively (offensively) in doubles.

Has good anticipation of shots and occasionally plays spectacular shots. Possesses consistency that can be the foundation of the game. Can hit regular winners and force opponent errors after their short balls. Proficient with volleys (finishing with them). Capable of playing lobs, drop shots, half-volleys, and smashes. Achieves proper depth and rotation on most second serves.

His main weapon is strength and/or consistency. Can change tactics and playing style during a match and is effective under pressure.

Basically, he doesn’t need an NTRP rating. Past or present rankings speak for him. The player has been/is listed in national rankings.

Lives off tennis – a professional.

